NDLC Director

MS. Lillian


Experienced Early Childhood Educator: Started in 2004 at NDLC with a long term teaching assignment as our Lead VPK Teacher.

8 years Experience as Program Assistant Director and 3 year as Program Director

AS Degree in Early Childhood Management, currently pursuing her BA in Early Childhood Education 

Director's Credential  since 2012

Current Member of NAEYC the National Association for the Education of Young Children

FLAEYC Member, Florida Early Childhood Association for the Education of Young Children

NFAEYC Member, North Florida Association for the Education of Young Children

SECA Member, Southern Early Childhood Association

Duval Early Learning Director's Network- DELDN Member 

NDLC Assistant Director



Experienced Early Childhood Educator: Started in 2008 at NDLC with long term teaching assignment as out Lead Two year old teacher.

4 years Experience as Program Office Assistant.

AS Degree in Early Childhood Management, currently pursuing her BA in Early Childhood Education 

Director's Credential  since 2013

Current Member of NAEYC the National Association for the Education of Young Children

FLAEYC Member, Florida Early Childhood Association for the Education of Young Children

NFAEYC Member, North Florida Association for the Education of Young Children

SECA Member, Southern Early Childhood Association

 NDLC Teachers